We're back with
Django stickers!
edition sticker packs will be available in-person at
DjangoCon US 2024 in Durham, NC!
On Halloween night, Pony is getting all dressed up by donning her black cape and fake fangs.
Pony is ready to drop a sick beat at the club. She definitely knows how to get the crowd hyped for the next track.
Pony is busy in her lab concocting some new experiments and is
probablydefinitely not going to turn into Ms. Hyde. -
Pony puts on her jetpack to visit some new planets. Good thing Django includes everything she needs!

Want to know when new stickers drop?
Pony went to CBGB to play a sold-out show. She enthralls the crowd using the power of Python.
Pony wanted to explore the outer limits of the universe, so she jumped into her rocketship and blasted off.
Pony partnered with Mr. DNA to create a awe-inspiring (and definitely not dangerous) park filled with dinosaurs.

We love Django and the community, but in 2023 we thought ONE thing was missing...
So, Sangeeta designed our first special edition of Django stickers and we gave them out at DjangoCon US 2023 in Durham.
But, now we're back with some fresh new stickers for DjangoCon US 2024!
If you cannot make it to the conference in person, don't worry! We are planning on selling special edition stickers in the future. The store on Red Bubble also has standard editions of all the stickers we have released so far.